Technical Advisory Council


Onsite Wastewater Treatment

May 15, 2002


Meeting held May 15, 2002 at Michigan State University, Crop and Soil Science Building.


Members and alternates present:   Ted Loudon, Del Mokma, Ric Falardeau, Scott Ross, Gary White,   Larry  Stephens, Ron Lindsay and Chuck Cousino.


Guests present: Bob Paulus, Infiltrator Systems, Inc.


Meeting called to order by Chuck Cousino, Chairman.


Motion by Ted, support by Scott, that the minutes of the March 28, 2002 meeting be approved as mailed out.  Motion carried.




Scott Ross --- Notice of the training center programs recently appeared in the DEQ Environmental Assistance Newsletter.  Ted reports that attendance at recent training center sessions has been good.




Website Information --- Larry has been in touch with Ben Foster and will transmit the latest website information for his posting. (Cluster document, sand filter media charts, minutes, etc.)


Wastewater Flow Study --- Ted says that he is on schedule to complete this document by August 1, 2002.


MWEA --- Chuck has heard nothing to date from this organization regarding their interest in membership on the TAC.


Guide for Pressure Dosed Mound Design --- Ted


Ted would like to continue to expand this document.  Ric says that the DEQ is about ready to release a draft guidance document for the use of mounds in subdivisions and for new land divisions.  Considerable discussion ensued on mound designs and maintenance. 


Sanitarians Ready-Reference Guide ---


Chuck suggested that someone take charge and pull all of the revisions to this document together to compile the final revised document.  Gary White volunteered to do this.  Chuck has been in touch with MEHA and told them that we would try to get the final document to them for printing by late summer.  Members are to have information on the revisions to their sections by July 1st, at the latest.  Rough draft information should be submitted to Gary by June 19th, the date of the next TAC meeting.



EPA Onsite Wastewater Treatment Guidance Manual --- A revised EPA manual for onsite systems is now being printed.  Copies of the new manual may be obtained by contacting:


                                    Rosalie Albonetti, USEPA (G-75)

26 W. Martin Luther King Drive

Cincinnati, Ohio  45268


Be sure to mention that you are ordering the OWTS Manual, EPA/625/R-00/008, February, 2002.  The new manual complements the “Design Manual for Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems” that was originally published in 1980.




John Long Retirement --- An open house is planned in Lansing for John Long on Thursday, May 30th.  Contact Ric Falardeau at the MDEQ for more information.


Al Frier Retirement --- Effective May 31, 2002 --- Chuck read a letter from Al indicating his resignation from the TAC due to his retirement.  Larry will send a letter to MEHA asking them to designate another representative to take his place.  His resignation leaves only one MEHA representative on the TAC, Steve Aguinaga.


Oregon Evaluation of Infiltrator Performance --- Ted


Ted passed out a copy of a document called “Oregon On-Site Wastewater System Field Performance Assessment”, authored by Michael Hoover and Thomas Hinson, 2002.  This is a summary of a full report that will soon be available.  A request for a copy of this report can be made through Infiltrator’s website, as well as other research documents on chamber systems.  For those interested in more information, the website address is:


Bob Paulus of Infiltrator indicates that the company is working on a sizing regime for chamber systems that would not be based on a “reduction” in sizing comparison with stone systems, but rather a stand alone recommended sizing for chamber systems for various soil types.


Ingham Conservation Center --- Ted and Del


Ted informed the TAC of a meeting facility that is being constructed nearby.  The Ingham Conservation Center, S.E. of Mason, is now under construction.  The opportunity has presented itself to possibly assist them in constructing a unique waste treatment facility --- possibly a constructed wetland followed by a drip irrigation system.  It would likely be constructed with donations and volunteer help. 


Would the TAC want to consider developing another training center at this location --- or moving the training center?  Should we hold some of the training programs there?  Does the TAC want to be involved and informed in the construction of this facility?  Ted will keep us posted.




  Flow Study for Commercial Uses --- Chuck


Chuck suggested that the TAC consider working on a flow study for commercial uses to go along with the study we will soon have finalized on residential uses.




Next Meeting - June 19, 2002

Location --- MSU, unless changed by written notice.




Future Meeting Dates:                      August 7th

September 25th


Motion by Ted, support by Gary to adjourn.  Motion carried.                                                       


Meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM.





                                                                                    Larry D. Stephens, P.E., Sec.
