Technical Advisory Council


Onsite Wastewater Treatment

June 21, 2005



Call to Order


Meeting held June 21, 2005 at Michigan State University, Agronomy Farm.


Members and alternates present: Ted Loudon, Ron Lindsay, Ric Falardeau, Tony Drautz, Dan Wagner, Chuck Cousino, Ben Foster and Regina Young.


Guests present:   None 


Meeting called to order by Chuck Cousino, Chairman.


Motion by Dan Wagner, Support by Regina Young, that the minutes of the February 1, 2005 minutes be approved.


Motion by Ted Loudon; support by Ron Lindsay, that the minutes of the May 2, 2005 meeting be approved as amended. Motion carried.


Appointment of Officers: Chuck Cousino to remain Chairman, Regina Young elected Secretary.


Update of TAC roster to be prepared for next meeting.




Filter Fabric --- draft specification reviewed. Discussion regarding use of specific supplier’s names and distributors on the specification versus on a separate reference sheet. Specific names are to be removed from the Filter Fabric Guidance Document. A listing will be available on the MOWRA website ( Listing will be updated as suppliers submit documentation meeting the specifications. Ted to send the specification to Regina to forward to Ben for posting on TAC activities web site. Tony will get the specification on the MALEHA list-serve once it is available on the web.


Commercial Flow Study—Ted reported that a summer intern is getting started


Site compaction information-- Are the tape and signs available on the website? Ted needs a price from Bill Gregory for the tape. He will forward to Ben.


Wisconsin Website Access – Approved Product Listings --- Ric asked the value of linking the Wisconsin approval listing via TAC activities on the MOWRA site. Discussion of how to get the main site versus a specific section(s) of the site, such as the approved products section. Ric to write up short introductory to the Wisconsin site and the product approvals (and a listing of categories) for posting in TAC Activities. Ric to send out to TAC members for review.


Concrete Septic Tank Manufacturer’s Association --- Dan gave update on the Michigan Concrete Septic Tank Association (MCSTA). Will be meeting the next 3 days to update best practices manual. The National Pre-cast Concrete Association (NPCA) is considering a separate certification program that is specific to septic tanks. It implies that the cost of certification program would be less than full certification. NPCA is looking to MCSTA for input. NPCA is considering this as a priority. The National On-site Wastewater Recyclers Association (NOWRA) model code and discussion of the state level codes has increased emphasis at NCPA. Dan will have more information regarding timeframes at the next meeting.


Training Center Update --- Ted provided a list of renovations to the MOWTEC that is needed. July 28, 29, 30 have been set for work effort. Sign up sheet will be circulated electronically to MOWRA and TAC to facilitate the work schedule. Discussion of new products to be added to MOWTEC.


Statewide Code Taskgroup --- Ric updated group. Current focal point is management of systems (conventional and alternative). Discussions appear to be heading to a “point of sale plus” program and a statutory method to assure that alternative systems are maintained. (Plus = mandatory inspection when a pump out occurs.) Activities are moving forward and the state and Senator Birkholz’s level. Discussion regarding need for centralized recording of findings. Mechanism to pay for program not resolved. One time dollars may be offered to local health departments. Discussion on implementation followed. Ric to update at the next meeting.


Community Systems --- Ric discussed community systems and that a guidance document to local health departments will be started soon by the MDEQ and a MALEHA Subcommittee. Discussion of three bills regarding private investor owned systems. One bill brings in the authorities of the Michigan Public Service Commission. Another bill holds harmless the local unit of government.




TAC “Marketing”: Chuck will prepare an article regarding TAC, including its history, for the MEHA journal. He will send to Ted for review and comment. Chuck will check with other members to include TAC activities on their respective association’s newsletters.


Technology and Education Transfer: Ted discussion an approach to have volunteers read projects and handouts from the National Decentralized Water Resources Capacity Development Project (NDWRCDP) ( All TAC are to review website and familiarize what is out there. Ted to email State of the Art paper to TAC. This report would be a starting point for a synopsis paper.


Meeting adjourned at 12:00 PM.





Next Meeting – August 9, 2005


Location --- Agronomy Barn




To be announced.




                                                                                    Regina Young, Secretary